Check-in Check-out
Check in 15:00 - Check out 11:00
For departures up to 18:00 you are charged with half the amount of one-day stay, minus the cost of breakfast. For departures after 18:00 you are charged with the full one-day stay, minus the cost of breakfast. For your best service, if you are going to arrive late or too early, we advise you to inform us in advance.
For departures up to 18:00 you are charged with half the amount of one-day stay, minus the cost of breakfast. For departures after 18:00 you are charged with the full one-day stay, minus the cost of breakfast. For your best service, if you are going to arrive late or too early, we advise you to inform us in advance.
Prices and taxes
The price information provided by our system are final and include all the taxes and legal charges excluding the overnight stay’s tax which is 0,50€ per night.
Reservation policy
A deposit of 30% of the total amount will have to be paid in advance for the validity of your reservation. This is done by charging your credit card or by depositing into a bank account. We cooperate with the following banks:
Piraeus Bank
Account number: 5165085930751
ΙΒΑΝ: GR2901721650005165085930751
Beneficiary: SOURA ARGIRO
Piraeus Bank
Account number: 5165085930751
ΙΒΑΝ: GR2901721650005165085930751
Beneficiary: SOURA ARGIRO
We accept reservations without credit card details for:
Guests who make a reservation between 9:00 and 16:00 and arrive on the same day, when we have at least 1 available room.
Guests who make a reservation between 16:00 and 00:00 and arrive on the same day, when we have at least 1 available room.
Guests who arrive one day after the reservation is made, when we have at least one available room.
Guests from Greece.
Customer address information
Guests do not need to give address information when they make a reservation.
Customer phone number
Guests must give a phone number and an email address when they make a reservation.
Piraeus Bank
Account number: 5165085930751
ΙΒΑΝ: GR2901721650005165085930751
Beneficiary: SOURA ARGIRO
Piraeus Bank
Account number: 5165085930751
ΙΒΑΝ: GR2901721650005165085930751
Beneficiary: SOURA ARGIRO
We accept reservations without credit card details for:
Customer address information
Guests do not need to give address information when they make a reservation.
Customer phone number
Guests must give a phone number and an email address when they make a reservation.
Cancellation policy
In case of cancellation, please contact us either by phone or by email and ask for the cancellation of your reservation.
Guests can cancel free of charge 30 days prior to arrival. Guests will be charged with 30% of the total price if they cancel within 30 days prior to arrival.
Guests must prepay 30% of the total price after the reservation.
Grace period
No cancellation fees are charged for reservations cancelled within 4 hours after booking.
Timely cancellation
No cancellation fees are charged for reservations cancelled 4 weeks prior to arrival.
No cancellation fees are charged for reservations cancelled within 4 hours after booking.
Timely cancellation
No cancellation fees are charged for reservations cancelled 4 weeks prior to arrival.
Children and extra beds
All children are welcome.
It is possible to provide a free baby cot only upon written or telephone request.
Children are charged €10.00 per night and use one of the existing beds in the apartment.
It is not possible to place extra beds or beds in a room.
Accepted Credit Cards
We accept the following Credit-Debit Cards:
VISA, MasterCard
VISA, MasterCard
Pets are not allowed